

Tax System

A tax system is a set of rules that a government uses to collect taxes. The system can be progressive, meaning that the tax rate goes up as the amount of money earned goes up. The system can also be regressive, meaning that the tax rate goes down as the amount of money earned goes …

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Ultra Vires

In law, ultra vires describes actions taken by an entity that fall outside of its legal power or authority. The term is often used in relation to corporations, as it describes actions taken by the corporation that are not within the scope of its charter or articles of incorporation. Additionally, ultra vires actions can void …

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Unit Trust

A unit trust is a type of investment fund that pools money from many investors and uses it to buy a portfolio of securities. The securities in the portfolio may include stocks, bonds, and other assets. The unit trust is managed by a professional money manager who buys and sells the securities in the fund …

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Venture Capital

Venture capital (VC) is a type of private equity financing that is provided by venture capitalists to startup companies and small businesses that are deemed to have high growth potential. VCs are typically interested in investing in companies that are in the early stages of their development, as these tend to be the most risky …

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Virtual Office

A virtual office is a type of business operation in which employees work from home or other remote locations, using technology such as the internet, email, and conference calls to stay connected to their company. This arrangement can provide many benefits for both employers and employees, including increased flexibility, lower overhead costs, and improved work-life …

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Virtual Office

A virtual office is an office that exists solely in the digital realm. It is a way for businesses to have a physical presence in multiple locations without actually having a physical space in those locations. Virtual offices often use cloud-based technologies to give employees access to files and applications from anywhere in the world.

Voting Rights

The Voting Rights in company are the right of shareholders to vote on matters relating to the company, including the election of directors and the approval of corporate actions. These rights are typically enshrined in the company’s articles of incorporation or bylaws. Voting rights may be apportioned differently among different classes of shareholders, such as …

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Wealth Tax

A wealth tax is a tax on an individual’s assets, including property and savings. The purpose of a wealth tax is to reduce inequality and raise revenue for the government. Wealth taxes are progressive, meaning that they tax wealthier individuals at a higher rate than less wealthy individuals. Critics of wealth taxes argue that they …

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In accounting, a write-off is an expense or loss that is recorded as a reduction to the value of an asset. The write-off represents the amount of the asset that has been used up or is no longer expected to provide economic benefits. A write-off is typically recorded when the asset is determined to be …

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Zombie Company

A Zombie Company is defined as a company that is no longer able to service its debt obligations, yet continues to operate. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as poor management, an industry downturn, or simply bad luck. Zombie Companies often have negative equity, meaning that their liabilities exceed their assets. In …

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