Which thing should I consider before thinking about offshore company formation?

First, determine whether you need a Foreign Company at all. If you ask yourself whether you need to register a company in a foreign country, then you do not. Registering a company abroad is a big challenge and you should think about it thoroughly.

Next, determine which country to incorporate a company in. There are more than 90 countries in the world where you can form a company. So it is very important to find the one country where you will register the company. If you are interested in the banking sector and have many foreign banks in your portfolio, then you should consider incorporating a company in the country where your banks are registered in.

On the other hand, you should also consider the local jurisdiction as you may have to register your company or at least be present in person at the beginning of your business. Choosing the right country for your company will help you avoid unnecessary costs and inconveniences in the future.